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Imbolc; Spring Approaching


This is one image of Brigit, in her form of Brigantia. The approach of Feb 2 brings us to one of the cross-quarter days; the days half way between solstice and equinox. In this case, half way between winter solstice and spring equinox. It is a time of deep mystery, of initiation, of housecleaning. Traditionally, the house was swept and blessings were said over it. Sheep were shorn, candles made. This remains in Catholicism as Candlemas, and Brigit as St Brigit.

Brigit is a goddess of fire and wells, of healing and of creativity. She brings blessings of remembering, of passion, of new solutions to old problems. Seems to me we can use all of those right now.

What in your own life are you letting go of to move into the coming spring, towards Equinox? What creative venture would you like to ask Brigit to bless? What wound in you , emotional, spiritual, physical or mental, would you like her to spread some healing balm on?

For myself, I am letting go of limiting ideas around success, around letting people close to me, around being able to pass on what I know.

On the evening of Feb 1, light a yellow or white candle for Brigit. Put out some flowers and maybe some milk for Her. Or do whatever ritual calls you. Bask in Her presence. Ask her blessing on your home, or on finding a home if you don't have one. If we ever needed the Goddess to bring healing and blessing to us, this is a time.

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